11.20.24 - Fifth Positive Case of Rabies Identified in Cleveland County This Year. See Press Release
Cleveland County Animal Services
1601 Airport Rd, Shelby, NC 28150
In The Community
The Cleveland County Animal Services Field Section is made up of seven full-time animal services officers covering 464 sq miles. Combined, they answer over 15,000 calls per year. They are responsible for enforcement, within the county, all public and public-local laws pertaining to the ownership and control of dogs, cats or other animals.
If you are having issues with animals in your area, please contact our Field Services section by calling 704-481-9884. For emergency situations, please dial 911.
Should your pet come in contact with an animal that might be considered a rabies carrier, contact CCAS immediately at 704-481-9884, or call 911 after regular business hours.
We only pick up wildlife if it is a rabies vector displaying suspicious behavior. That includes but is not limited to:
Unprovoked aggression
Appearing drunk, confused, or unable to maintain balance
Appearing completely unaware of its surroundings
Biting at the air or random objects
Fur loss and low body weight are not usually signs of rabies but can indicate other types of illness, such as mange. In which case, we would NOT pick up.
To view the Cleveland County Ordinance related to animals, please click the following link:
Cleveland Co. Animal Services
1601 Airport Rd Shelby, NC 28150
Rabies Info to Know
Rabies is a deadly virus that affects the central nervous system causing disease in the brain and death.Any mammal can become infected with rabies. The virus can infect domestic pets, agricultural animals such as cows and horses, and people when they are exposed to a rabid animal. Rabies is transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal but also can be spread by the saliva coming into contact with an open wound or broken skin.
Additional information about Rabies is available at the NC Department of Health and Human Services Epidemiology Division's website by clicking here. North Carolina state law requires owners of dogs, cats and ferrets to have their pets currently vaccinated against rabies, beginning at four months of age and wear a valid rabies tag at all times.
What You Can Do
Vaccinate your pets against rabies and keep the vaccinations current.
Avoid wildlife. Do not touch, pet or feed any wildlife whether they appear to be sick or not.
Do not approach any animal that is unfamiliar to you or your family.
Secure garbage cans with wildlife-proof lids.
The NC Wildlife Helpline is here to help! While they do not remove or relocate wild animals, their trained biologists can provide information including:
General information about wildlife and their behavior
How to deal with wildlife damage
Ways to prevent conflicts with wildlife on your property
Where to find Wildlife Damage Control Agents, Wildlife Rehabilitators, and other partners who may be able to provide on-the-ground assistance
Hours of Operation
Call 1-866-318-2401
Monday-Friday, 8 am to 5 pm
(Excluding Holidays)
More information on problems with wildlife -